Meet the Team
About us
Brighton and Hove News was set up in response to the unprecedented events of 2020 – a year few of us will ever forget.
Many temporary measures implemented during the pandemic will continue in 2021, prompting a raft of queries from landlords and tenants alike.
This period of change has also been impacted by the UK’s exit from the EU – triggering changes in key areas such as data protection and immigration.
This website aims to provide timely and regular updates about what landlords and tenants can expect in the coming months and years.
Reliable, informed & comprehensive
Our updates will focus on key issues including letting processes and procedures; changes in the law; examples of best practice and access to resources and expertise.
What you can expect:
- Regular newsletters
- Videos
- Blogs
- Press releases
- Social media updates

Our Story
About Steve

Experience, expertise and ethics
Steve Chipp is the Operations Director at Town and Country Property Services, a long-established, family-run lettings agency in Church Road, Hove.
Steve has worked within the lettings and property management industry for the past 16 years and prides himself on offering exceptional levels of customer service and negotiating skills.
“Treat people as you would expect to be treated” – that rule underpins Steve’s ongoing success in this highly-competitive field.
Steve said: “Most landlords and letting agents do a great job for their tenants.
“Landlords need to comply with all aspects of current law for the safety and security of their tenants. They also need to maximise their investment and secure a realistic return.
“Likewise, it’s a two-way street. Tenants should be held accountable when it comes to complying with tenancy conditions. That way it works for everyone. ”
Married with two young children, Steve lives locally and has launched this website to encourage greater engagement and shared knowledge about the rapidly-evolving property rental market.
For more information about Town & Country Property Services see: Town & Country – Property Letting and Managing Agents – Brighton & Hove